

浏览量:3066 上传更新:2015-07-10


品  牌:Advantest 


产品指标:22.5 MHz-8.6GHz 

产品信息: 37200B和37300A系列微波矢量网络分析仪是高精度分析工具,可从22.5MHz-65GHz范围作出快速准确的S参数测量。该系列提供的新测量能力可加快制造测试和提高生产量。37200B系列是为无源设备测量设计的,37300A系列增加了灵活的设备测量能力。37217B/37317A是经济型低频微波元器件测试设备,至高可至8.6GHz。更宽的频率分解。 ·高产出测量 ·型号紧凑 ·内置大容量存储 ·快速合成扫描 ·具有升级功能 ·频率分解度:8.6 GHz ·额定功率:0dBm ·至低功率:-15 dBm ·分辨率:0.05dB 技术指标Model Frequency range Max. signal into port 2(dBm) Noise floor (dBm) Receiver dynamic range(dB) Port 1 power(dBm, typical) System dynamic range(dB) 37217B 0.0225 +3 -95 98 0 95 2 +3 -98 101 0 98 8.6 +3 -98 101 0 98 ·Table 2 Power rangeModel Rated power(dBm) Minmum power(dBm) Resolution(dB) 37217B 0 -15 0.05 订货信息Model/Order No. Name Main frame 37217B Vector Network Analyzer(22.5 MHz to 8.6GHz) Options Option 1 Rack mount Option 2 High-speed time(distance)domain capability Option 4 External SCSI-2 hard disk drive compatibility(internalHDD removed) Option 7A Replaces universal K connector(standard)withuniversalGPC-7 Option 7N Replaces universal K connector(standard)withuniversalN-male Option 7MF Replaces universal K connector(standard)withuniversalN-fermale Option 7S Replaces universal K connector(standard)withuniversal3.5 mm-male Option 10A High stabilty (oveniaed )time base (1 Hz frequency resolution) Option 11 Reference loop extension cables (standard on 3700A series) Upgrades** ND42844 37211B to 37311A upgrade ND42845 37217B to 37317A upgrade ND42846 37225B to 37325A upgrade ND42847 37247B to 37347A upgrade ND42848 37269B to 37369A upgrade ND42849 37211B to 37217A upgrade ND42850 37211B to 37225A upgrade ND42851 37211B to 37247A upgrade ND42852 37211B to 37269A upgrade ND42853 37217B to 37225A upgrade ND42854 37217B to 37247A upgrade ND42855 37217B to 37269A upgrade ND42856 37225B to 37247A upgrade ND42857 37225B to 37269A upgrade ND42858 37247B to 37269B upgrade ND42689 37311B to 37317A upgrade ND42690 37311B to 37325A upgrade ND42691 37311B to 37347A upgrade ND42692 37311B to 37369A upgrade ND42693 37317B to 37325A upgrade ND42694 37317B to 37347A upgrade ND42695 37317B to 37369A upgrade ND42696 37325B to 37347A upgrade ND42697 37325B to 37369A upgrade ND42698 37347A to 37369A upgrade On-site support options Option ES31 3 year on-site repair Option ES37 3 year on-site verification Option ES38 3 year on-site Mil-sted verifeication Option ES51 5 year on-site repair Calibration kits 3650 SMA/3.5mm Calibration Kit Option 1 Adds sliding terminations 3651 GPC-7 Calibration Kit Option 1 Adds siliding terminations 3652 K Connector Calibration Kit Option 1 Adds sliding terminations 3653 Type N Calibration Kit 3654B V Connector Calibration Kit with sliding loads 3750 SMA/3.5mm Economy Calibration Kit(8.6GHz) 3751 GPC-7 Economy Calibration Kit(8.6GHz) 3753 Type N Economy Calibration Kit(50Ω,8.6GHz) 3753-75 Type N Economy Calibration Kit(75Ω,8.6GHz) Verification kits 3663 Type N Verification Kit 3666 3.5mm Verifecation Kit 3667 GPC-7 Verifecation Kit 3668 K Connector Verifcation Kit 3669B V Connector Verifcation Kit Test port cables 3670A50-1 GPC-7 smi-rigid cable,1 foot(2 required) 3670A50-2 GPC-7 smi-rigid cable,2 foot 3670K50-1 K connector semi-rigid cable,1 foot(2 required) 3670K50-2 K connector semi-rigid cable,2 foot 3670V50-1 V connector semi-rigid cable,1 foot(2 required) 3670V50-2 V connector semi-rigid cable,2 foot 3671A50-1 GPC-7 flixible cables,25in(1 pair) 3671A50-2 GPC-7 flixible cables,38in 3671S50-1 3.5mm flixible cables,25in(1 pair) 3671S50-2 3.5mm flixible cables,38in 3671K50-1 K connector flexible cables,25in(pair) 3671K50-2 K connector flexible cables,38in 3671V50-1 V connector flexible cables,25in(pair) 3671V50-2 V connector flexible cables,38in 

上一篇: E4407B



地  址:深圳市宝安区燕罗街道塘下涌社区洋涌路96号燕罗创谷B栋409




网  址:www.szbgr88.com